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Construction Worker

Safety First

Innovative Product by Slide Guide Safety

By merging protective, user-friendliness, and innovation, Slide Guide Safety provides versatile finger protection for cutting and marketing materials. 

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Our Product

A diagram of the Slide Guide, Shape: optimal protection, Material: Durablilty & Flexibility, Construction: Open back for size molding

Slide Guide Safety was designed as the ultimate finger protection for faster and greater accuracy when marking and cutting materials. 


Our innovative safety ring has been tested and used on drywall, wood, and plastics. The overall fit and comfort of Slide Guide Safety allows for a seamless integration for all Trades Persons to layer into their day-to-day safety regimes. 



"The Slide Guide allows me to cut a rough drywall sheet with a clean-cut edge."

Anthony Caputo, 14+ years in the Trades



Product Inception:


Year was 2017-2018 and I was working as a full-time framer. Due to an injury, I was restricted from going up on the roofs, so I became the crew’s sole cutter when it came to plywood and framing members for the roofing systems. We are talking about marking and cutting upwards of 50+ sheets of plywood a day. Most roofs are done with OSB plywood which because it is manufactured from strands of wood has a very rough edge surrounding the sheet. As a carpenter we don’t tend to want to use a chalk line or even a straight edge to mark and cut all these sheets of plywood. It takes more time and effort. The action we use is holding our tape in one hand and using that hands index finger as a guide to run along the plywood and lock in our tape a certain measurement while we hold the end of the tongue with our other hand to mark with a pencil. This is a very common practice throughout the industry. Problem was that due to the rough edges and the frequency of the action my “guide finger” would be cut, bruised and sore at the end of every day. You would think gloves would solve that problem. Nope they would just tear or get snagged on the plywood making it difficult to preform the action needed. I’ve also tried taping the guide finger but that to eventually wears down and does not solve the problem on heat from the friction of the action. I remember saying why isn’t there some kind of ring I can just put on my finger to help protect it throughout my day of cutting.

First Prototype:


Year was 2020 and I am now working for the union as a framer and drywaller. Me and a coworker are drywalling a hotel and again cutting over 50+ sheets of drywall a day using the same finger guide action to measure and cut most of these sheets. My fingers were raw and bruised and I could not bear the burning from running it over and over again on the edge of the drywall. It was in that moment I told my coworker of my idea of this ring to protect our guide finger. Thinking it was a great idea we brainstormed the rest of the day. Eventually I saw a piece of 1” plastic pex pipe and had a ah ha moment. We could use it, cut the basic shape and see if it works. Before I could get the sentence out my coworker had already cut a piece and tried it on the side of the drywall. It worked. Like really worked!!!! So good that I invited him over after work and in my garage with ¾” PEX PIPE we cut and created the first true working protypes of the Slide Guide Finger Protection. The next day when we tested them it was a all out party, They did everything. Protected our finger, we were able to work faster because we weren’t worried about hurting ourselves, we cut straighter because there was less drag between the finger and the drywall. It was perfect. We also found that the pex pipe was the perfect material. It hugged your finger enough that it didn’t fall off but if it was caught could still pull off without taking your finger with it. When damaged or crushed, all we had to do was put the ring on our finger and the heat from our bodies seemed to mould it back into it original shape. Absolutely perfect.

Home Renovation

Home Stretch


With final revisions completed, our product patent is completed! Onto the next stage of production and market launch. Can not wait for what is next!

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